
5k and beyond!

I did it!

I ran my second 5K and beat my personal time! Sure, I had to walk a bit, having double knee surgery will do that to one, but I felt great when I finished and wore it well in my Wonder Woman tee. I will add that having your kids cheer you on is the best feeling.

Shortly before I conquered that one, I was easily convinced to try the NaNoWriMo this year. This was not expected, but I've been doing some amazing push-forward things with my book the past couple months. And doing something like the National November Writing Month is par for course.

I tried writing 50K in 30 days once about 5 years ago with a story about characters I'd only created half of. It was perhaps why I didn't feel as devoted to it.  It made it to about 7K and fell to the side, not to be picked up again. But it was only a story that was to be for an audience of about 5 anyhow.

After that I had kids. I worked nights and kids going through 2s and 3s. There was no way I was going to be able to take a month off.

This year, I am in the middle of getting the second draft finished and decided to do some more drastic changes like the tense and one of my characters needed more altering. So, I decided to cheat (or be a rebel, as some NaNoers are putting it,) and second draft up my book in a month.

This, I've discovered it both difficult and easier at the same time. I'm not just spewing out words and promising to edit them later, now I have to go back over them a lot. And my book is over 100K at the moment, so my challenge to cut that down is there.

So, wish me luck! I'll check back at the end of November!

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