
8 Terrible Titles Challenge!

My dear CP, Jayme, challenged me to do #8terribletitles smack dab in the middle of NaNoWriMo. And as I promised, after the completion, I'm getting to it now. I would never subject you to the first draft of what I just wrote, so I'll use my YA contemporary fantasy, Mega Girl, which is about to get my full attention again.
#8TerribleTitles is this:
(1) Open your manuscript and scroll to a random passage
(2) The word or phrase where your cursor lands is your first terrible title
(3) Repeat until you have eight terrible titles
If you’re not ready to share your manuscript, that’s okay! Grab the nearest book and play along. Better yet, grab your friends and see if they can guess the book by its terrible titles.
1. Ornamental Shades 
(but are they worn at night?)

2. He's a Collector
(hmmm.. of stamps OR WHAT?)

3. Yeah, It's Vague
(indeed, it is)

4. Paris Lets Out
(This is so a coming-of-age book)

5. Speed's Useful
(well, yes, it can be)

6. Off the Hinges
(this has got sitcom title all over it)

7. Hooked On It
(Captain Hook, perhaps?)

8. Find the Keys
(Err... I got nothing.)

And that's my fun for the night. As for who I tag? Look me up on Twitter!

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