
2014 - Wrap-Up of a Damned Good Year


This is the first time in history I've ever fulfilled New Year's resolutions!

Jump back, eh?

Flashback January 2014:

What I want to do in the next year:

  • Finish that second draft.    And the third and part of the fourth!
  • Involve my small, but growing list of Critique Partners and Beta Readers.  Oh, they got involved all right.   
  • Get regular with this blog.  OK, so it's more a sort-of cross-off. Since NaNoWriMo, I've gotten regular enough. Got plans over here.
  • Enter some of those Twitter contests with agents out there.   Done!
  • Run my third and maybe fourth 5K.   I got to my fourth. 
  • Be able to get inverted.    I'm a headstand queen.

  • Got writer educated. 

I took more classes. I learned the Heroes Journey, how to make my words more poetic and colorful and even combined yoga with writing. Thanks, Story Studio. You guys are awesome. See you in a few weeks.

  • Put my book out there.

Pitch Wars was a rush. To take something I'd been poking at for so long and tell others to judge it is almost certifiable. I did not win any mentor sponsorship, but I got something better: a new critique partner.

  • Found amazing new CPs and even more beta readers! 

I love these people. I'm so excited and honored to have them helping me out. (and love getting to read their stuff too!)

  • I've learned how to take criticism. 

Sure, it stings, hurts the ego, etc. But I need it. This book of mine has been in my little headspace for far too long. Of course, I'm going to have a clouded vision.

  • Did NaNoWriMo again. 
But this time I was "legit". I wrote something completely new. And get this, in October, I PLOTTED and got the whole thing done — first draft bruises and all — on Day 18.

I solemnly swear I will not pants again.

I could keep going. There's a lot more. This year was frigging amazing! Gotta be honest, I'm worried 2015 may not live up to the accomplishments of 2014.

Nah, I think it'll be even more exciting. Thanks for joining me here for the ride.

What I want to do in 2015:

  • Make MG look the way it deserves in a near complete rehauling.
  • Run outside in winter and get another couple races in. 
  • Tackle Pharaohs in second draft.
  • Deny the cupcake.
  • Continue to make this blog even better, and, dare I say, consistent.
  • And maybe, just maybe, start the querying process. (read as definitely)