
Pitch Wars Pimp my Bio!

Hello everyone! 

This is in response to the #pimpmybio for PITCH WARS, also known as the coolest opportunity for writers to get to know each other and work with pros in the biz. 
This is all due to Brenda Drake, who had this brilliant idea 
and has gotten to watch it blossom to the contest it is today. 
(She's an author herself and has a couple books 

And here are a few random facts about me, Ann Marjory K, other than being a YA and NA writer.

*I'm from Chicago!*
It's my hometown! My family and I live in the center of it. Steps from Soldier Field (I'm not a Bears fan, though), the Sears Tower (it's never going to be the Willis Tower to me), Lake Michigan 
and the coolest museums around. 

Look, you can see my house!

*Best Food Ever?*
Sushi! Gawd, just give it to me and I'm happy. I also get out-of-control cravings for Indian food and chips and salsa. Not to say I give in, I just crave them hard. 

Cute! And I will eat it all.

What I eat everyday? Sweet Potatoes. Blame my Whole 30 diet. 
Baked, roasted, mashed or topped with a dab of ghee, I love them.  
Nom.Nom. In many ways.

If I lived on coffee, tea and water, I'd be fine. I take my coffee black ever since my freshman year of college when I decided to check it out. All that cream and sugar get in the way of caffeine.

*Favorite all time books my MS is nothing like.*
I fell in love with 100 Years of Solitude and Wise Blood in college. The beautifully written, magical realism of 100 Years and the brilliant, unforgettable characters of Wise Blood will stay with me forever. I've yet to read their equals. Once every five years I'll pick them up. Matter of fact, I'm due.

*What I Read More Often*
Most of the time, I stick with YAs, NAs and some adult. I like fantasy, so long as it's light, but that's not to say I won't read a good fantasy like Lord of the Rings. I love contemporaries as well. And when there's humor, that' a bonus. 

When I need a break, I read a non-fiction something.. anything! 

*Stress relief, sewing, also known as the anti-writing*
When I need a break from writing, I turn to my sewing machine. I haven't had a lesson since junior high and I tend to follow my own pattern rather than someone else's, but I'm having a blast with it. I've altered many t-shirts, mini skirts and love creating costumes.

Speaking of, I can't go without sharing what a huge nerd I am. I don't think I ever outgrew Halloween. I took it to another level last year, though, and tried cosplay. It is the most fun I can have one weekend per year. If you can recognize any of these characters, I give you bonus geek points!

ps: It's even more fun when my kids join in.

6 extra facts some people may find interesting:

  1. I've never once watched Big Bang Theory
  2. I also can't quite get into Dr. Who.
  3. I will reference Princess Bride, Sixteen Candles and The Goonies as much as humanly possible. 
  4. This is the first blog entry and/or tweet I've ever used gifs in.
  5. I also love Star Wars (possible more so now that I have kids who dress as Princess Leia and Boba Fett). Watching order here: New Hope, Empire, Jedi, Clone Wars, Rebels. (Don't bother with those first three, they just draaag). 
  6. Oh, and Empire is the BEST one because, well, AT-ATs. 
Look at them! Aren't they AWESOME? *STOMP* *pew! pew!*

That's all I got! Check out the rest of my fellow contestants here!

And Thank You, Chris Keelty, for hosting everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello from a fellow Star Wars fangirl! My first date with the hubby was the Phantom Menace, our dog's name is Chewy Wookie, and my son is requesting an AT-AT for Christmas (for the second year in a row). Which is cool, except it costs $150. Good luck in Pitch Wars! See you in Twitter! :)

    1. Hurrah for Star Wars! Aww, Chewie Wookie! We named our snails Luke, Han, Leia and Lando. Yes, we have snails. AT-ATs are the BEST.

  3. Wha?! You're a Packer fan living in Chicago! Woot!!!!! A cousin of mine lives there and recently offered to send up Bears jerseys for my entire family. We laughed. Also. Coffee: black. the only way to go. Best of luck to you this #PitchWars! Nice to meet you. Christy (@ericaandchristy on twitter)

    1. Yes! I love my Packers! I'm part Wisconsin on my Dad's side. And black coffee with a dab of ghee or coconut oil is the change in my drink of choice. We both have excellent, excellent taste. Best of luck to you as well! (following you now)
